Root Canals Toronto, ON

Address tooth damage and preserve your tooth with a root canal in Downtown Toronto!

If your tooth has severe pulp damage, a root canal may be for you. Root canals can remove the damaged, infected pulp and preserve your tooth for many years.

Root canals are common procedures and they can help save your tooth from extraction. Dentists at Dr. Kinga Kubieniec Dentistry have over two decades of root canal treatment experience.

Is root canal treatment in Toronto for you?

Learn more about the root canal procedure.

Dentist Performing Dental Checkups In Toronto, ON

What is a Root Canal?

Root canal treatment is the process of removing infected or injured tissue (pulp) from inside the tooth. Untreated cavities or serious dental injuries can lead to severe pulp infection or damage. Once the pulp is damaged, it is not able to heal itself.

The root canal procedure removes this pulp from the tooth to preserve the tooth. After the pulp is removed, the canal is disinfected, shaped, filled, and sealed with a natural rubber-like material called gutta-percha. The opening of the tooth is then sealed with either a temporary or permanent filling to prevent future infection.

Root Canal Procedure in Toronto

Dentists complete root canals in one or two appointments. The goal is to relieve your pain and save your tooth. Here’s what you can expect:

The first step is to determine your need for a root canal. Our root canal specialist will carefully examine your smile, looking for signs of infection or decay. They may take an x-ray to get a closer look and clearer picture of your dental concern.

The first step of your root canal procedure is numbing the area. We make sure you are comfortable and won’t have any pain.

Then, the dentist places a rubber sheet over your mouth to keep moisture out.

The next step is to create an opening through your tooth crown to the pulp of the tooth.

The dentist removes the damaged pulp/nerve from the pulp chamber and root canal.

Before filling the canal, the dentist carefully cleans and shapes it.

If you had an infection, the dentist may apply medicine to the pulp chamber to fight off bacteria.

At this point, the dentist fills the root canal with a rubber material and seals it. Most often, you’ll receive a temporary filling and antibiotics.

If you had a temporary filling, then you must return for the final sealing.When you return for the next visit, the dentist takes out the temporary filling. They then place a tooth crown or filling to restore your tooth.

Root Canal Alternatives

While root canals may seem like an intimidating procedure, they are an efficient way to address deep tooth infection or decay. 

Without treatment, a dental abscess infection may spread throughout your body. It can lead to a host of physical health concerns that require extensive care.

However, we always examine your needs to determine the best treatment option for you. Even if you are hesitant to have a root canal, visit our dental office. We will assess all possible solutions and work with you to best care for your smile.

How Much Does a Root Canal Cost in Downtown Toronto?

Long-term, a root canal is a highly cost-efficient procedure. It’s far less expensive to get a root canal than it is to remove and replace a tooth. 

However, the exact price of a root canal varies depending on the following factors:

We’re happy to provide you with a detailed personal quote for root canal therapy after examining your smile!

Root Canal Dentist in Toronto

If you have dental abscesses, pain when eating or brushing, or a broken/chipped tooth, then you may need a root canal specialist in Toronto. If you have any of the above symptoms or worry that you may need dental treatment, then come to our root canal dentist as soon as possible.

Dr. Kinga Kubieniec Dentistry is here to help you with all of your oral health needs, including root canal treatment. We can assess your smile and help you determine if a root canal is for you. Then, you can count on our team for quality root canal therapy..

Our dedicated team is here to help. Contact us with any questions you may have and book your appointment with our root canal specialist in Toronto today.

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A root canal is a dental procedure to treat a tooth with a damaged or infected pulp. During the procedure, the dentist removes the infected or damaged tissue inside the tooth. Then we clean and disinfect the root canal. Finally, we seal it to prevent further infection. If you struggle with tooth pain or think you may need a root canal, visit Dr. Kinga Kubieniec in Downtown Toronto.

No, a root canal does not hurt. We use local anesthesia to numb the area. Modern techniques and technology make the procedure much more comfortable than it used to be. You have nothing to fear with a root canal from Dr. Kinga Kubieniec! Contact us to learn more about how we ensure your comfort.

The length of a root canal procedure varies depending on the complexity of the case. Generally, it takes one to two hours to complete. Since we only use local anesthesia for most patients, you’ll be able to return to most normal activities right after the root canal. Overall, it’s a fairly quick procedure we complete in one visit.
Most patients can resume their normal activities immediately after a root canal. Be careful with eating and drinking while your mouth is still numb. Additionally, you may have some soreness or sensitivity for a few days. Over-the-counter pain relievers can and an ice pack can help you manage any discomfort.